pcb-rnd knowledge pool


Ringdove file naming conventions

file_naming by Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas on 2022-07-14

Tags: howto, file, name, extension, ending

node source



Abstract: The Ringdove file naming poll closed on 2022-07-14 on the pcb-rnd mailing list has set the new conventions we use for naming our files. These conventions are recommended for users to use in new projects and is mandatory for Ringdove developers when writing new code and documentation.

file name ending header/root node file content
.rp ha:pcb-rnd-board-v* Ringdove PCB layout file (in lihata)
.rf li:pcb-rnd-subcircuit-v Ringdove footprint for pcb-rnd (in lihata)
.rs ha:cschem-sheet-v1 Ringdove schematics sheet (in lihata)
.ry ha:cschem-group-v1 Ringdove schematics symbol (in lihata)

NOTE: these are only conventions, users are free to choose whatever file name. File type should always be judged by file content, not by file name.