genht 1.1.0 (r96) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Fix: do not overdefine static and inline, rather use GENHT prefixed macros to be more explicit -Fix: remove ln -s target first to avoid error -Fix: make clean removes version.h and ver_edit that was compiled to edit it -Fix: install ht.c (it needs to be #included by projects for creating new hash instances) and the missing .h files -Add: version header -Add: $(PREFIX) instead of hardwired /usr -Add: local implementation of strcasecmp which is not in C89 -Add: deep uninit macro -Add: make test (using example program mainsi) -Add: run ranlib on the .a -Change: remove asserts and perform memory allocation checks, and modify some 'void' return values to 'int' genht 1.0.1 (r73) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (This release did not have a Changelog)