pcb-rnd on windows

We have a pack in beta testing. It should work on any windows version from 7 up. (It does _not_ work on XP.)

IMPORTANT: if you use the windows version of pcb-rnd, please send me an email to: pcb-rnd-win (at) igor2.repo.hu

I will use this for sampling user demand. If there are no emails, that means there are no windows users which means it is not worth investing time in compiling windows releases.

1. download the binary pack and install

Download a -win32.zip from the binary releases page

Unpack the zip anywhere, and run pcb-rnd from bin:

IMPORTANT: Please make sure there's no space in the full path where you unpack.

2. limitations

pcb-rnd is a package designed for UNIX. The windows port does not change the UNIX aspect of pcb-rnd, thus a few things are different from a normal windows application:

The usual pcb-rnd policies apply:

There are a few limitations specific to the current windows pack:

These limitations are specific some special cases and oddities in windows:

3. Optinal: how to create a desktop icon

The above installation process doesn't create a desktop icon so you'll need to start pcb-rnd from a cmd every time. In case you'd prefer a desktop icon, here's a process submitted by Michael France on Windows 10:

  1. On Windows desktop, click right
  2. Click "NEW"
  3. Click "Shortcut"
  4. Fill in the "type the location" with the following: (this is correct on my system but depends on the location of your installation) C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k cd.. &cd.. &cd pcb-rnd-3.0.4-win32 & cd bin & pcb-rnd.exe

Note: you need to change the name of the directory written with italic to whatever path you have unpacked pcb-rnd into.

Explanation of each command:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k  starts the shell (cmd.exe); the /k keeps this window open (for information /c will close it but that's not recommended since some vital error messages may be printed there).

Initially the directory "System32" is opened in that cmd; the command cd.. changes the directory up a level to the Windows directory. So now we are in C:\Windows. The & is put between two commands as a separator. cd.. again changes the directory up a level; we are now in C:

At this point you must find where you installed the directory for pcb-rnd on your system while the cmd.exeis running you can use /dir to list all the directories available (/dire / p if the list is long).

Use the command cd your directory name where pcb-rnd is installed

(you may need to use cd several times to get to your installation directory: don't forget the & to separate each command!)

Then again cd bin to get into the bin directory (pcb-rnd requires to be run from there for finding the dlls).

Then pcb-rnd.exe will execute the program

4. Cross compilation from Linux to win32

(developers may need this, if you are an user, it is safe to skip.)

There is an svn repo that hosts all the sources for the dependencies. From this, the binary DLLs can be compiled (this step may need some manual intervention, autotools is not very nice for cross compilation). The result is the "ultimate hidlib dependency pack" (uhdp), 90+ megabytes of dlls with gtk, glib, gettext and whatnot.

The uhdp has two versions: the smaller one, with the dlls only, is part of the pack downloaded by end users for installation. The bigger one, called the developer pack, also contains the installed headers, .a and .la files and can be used as "sysroot" for cross-compiling pcb-rnd (or other software) against.

The uhdp can be downloaded from http://repo.hu/projects/hidlib.w32

The normal process is:

5. native windows compilation, cywgin, msys* on windows

Not supported. Windows binaries are compiled on Linux.

I don't run windows so I can't develop or test this. I am willing to expand the support if and only if you run a windows system for this and grant me ssh/vnc/remote-desktop access to it. In any other case I am not interested (patches are not accepted).