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[route-rnd logo]route-rnd
is a free/open source, flexible, modular autorouter for Printed Circuit Boards

using the extremely simple and freely available tEDAx file format.

is part of the ringdove suite and works smoothly from pcb-rnd.

Version Control svn://
Download source releases
official packages in *NIX distributions: Packaging status
precompiled binary for x86_64 Linux: stable or experimental (nightly build)
Comments, feedback, patches live chat with the developer
or contact the lead developer
Contribution and support
A major supporter is NLnet
Key features generic external autorouter for Printed Circuit Boards
modular, supports different routing algorithms
fits well in a UNIXy workflow
the designed-for-simplicity file format makes it easy to interface
fully CLI, no GUI required
active development, frequent releases
free/open source software license (GPL2)
Supported platforms
any POSIX-like system with c89 support (various Linux and BSD distributions, from source)

What is -rnd?

RiNgDove is an EDA suite that includes:

a schematics editor: sch-rnd

a PCB editor: pcb-rnd

a PCB autorouter: route-rnd

a CAM viewer: camv-rnd

a software lib: librnd

or all in one: suite


user contributed addons: edakrill


Why use Ringdove?

small and quick

minimal dependencies

optimized for both CLI and GUI


UNIX mindset

excellent user support