cschem - howto contribute

Any contribution is valuable. However, any contribution costs too, not just for the contributor but for the community: the time to read it, test it, maintain it, etc. In the best contribution the cost/benefit ratio is strongly biased toward the benefit. This howto gives a few pointers how this cost/benefit ratio could be improved.



  • focus: if the current design process is about aspect foo, please don't write long essays on how aspect bar is affected unless it's absolutely necessary to understand how foo is affected.
  • split things up; if there are 4 sections of a design doc you have comments about, please start 4 separate thread for them.
  • proper referencing; if your comment is about a specific section, use the section label (e.g. "{des1:4}") for reference. If the whole mail or thread is about such a section, best put the reference in the subsect.
  • concentrate on what problem we need to solve, not on which technology is used in the solution; e.g. "we want this part to be user scriptable" is a good consideration; "we want this part to be written in lua" is a bad one.
  • Generally speaking: distinguish between design and implementation details. Focus on the design.
  • Avoid sending a single huge mail commenting every second line of a chapter: that will be very hard to handle for everyone else. Avoid writing verbose, especially about "background information"; please try to keep text as short as possible.
  • Please don't get stuck on an implementation detail; it's impossible to design cschem to 100% match everybody's preference on every little detail. If it matches only 70%, please live with it for now, if the design is strong, it will be easy to provide alternatives later.
  • Do not hijack threads; if you want to steer the discussion in another direction, it's okay to reply to a mail in a thread, but please do change the topic so people know it's a new (sub)thread.