Release notes for sch-rnd 0.9.1 (beta) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This release is the same as 0.9.0, plus a bugfix so that it builds with librnd 3.2.0 stable release and doesn't require librnd SVN HEAD. Release notes for sch-rnd 0.9.0 (beta) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first beta-test release. There are still bugs in the code to be fixed before the first stable release but all basic features are implemented, somewhat tested and usable for small projects. This release features bugfixes and many major improvements and cleanups. Feature/cleanup highlight: 1. New font engine: replaced ttf rendering with pcb-rnd's font engine for simpler and mor reliable font rendering and better export to ps and svg. 2. Implement halign (horizontal alignment) for text objects 3. Proper handling of text object origin, introducing mirx and miry properties on text objects to complement halign providing full control over text alignment and grwoth direction. 4. New plugin: implement cschem 'forge' mechanism in std_forge plugin 5. New plugin: renumber plugin 6. Change in conventions: terminal labels are not floaters anymore; affects library symbols and code creating new terminals 7. New ringdove level file ending conventions: rename schematics sheet endings to .rs and symbols to .ry in static files and code *** This is a beta test release, not stable yet! ***