
In this context, simulation means circuit simulation using a lumped element model of the circuit generated from the abstract model. More practically, simulation means SPICE simulation.

There are two levels of the implementation:

The high level simulation is recommended if:

The low level simulation is recommended if:

The easiest way to learn both the low and the high level simulation is the tutorial

High level simulation

The high level sim differs a lot from the classic "drawn for spice" schematics model. It really models how circuits are tested in real life:

All this remembered in sim setup config so you don't need to modify your production board for sim testing.

The configuration stored for high level simulation has the following logical structure:

On the bottom of the dialog there are buttons for:

The GUI variant with the run button is designed to be suitable for quick turnaround circuit tuning: single-click button that can re-generate all the plots in-place in the non-modal simulation setup dialog; this means you can keep the window open, make changes to your production circuit and run the simulation instantly to see the result.

Properties, addressing

In the list of properties for presentation and in the positive and negative connection of an add modification, node addresses are used. A node address is either the name of an abstract network or a pair of abstract component and port name, e.g. CN2-4 means "port 4 of component CN2".

Note: port name means the name the port is listed by in the abstract model, which is typically the original terminal name, and not the "pin number", or the calculated display/name attribute. For example using a polarized symbol, e.g. a diode it is typically A and C (not 1 and 2); or using a transistor symbol, the port names are B, E, C (and not 1, 2 and 3). Tip: switch to the raw view to reveal the original port names or use the abstract model dialog to find them.

config subtree in project.lht

All high level simulation config data is stored in the plugins/sim/setups subtree on the project role (in project.lht). In theory the config system allows storing the setups subtree in any config source; in practice the GUI depends on it is stored in the project file. An advanced user may choose to store sim setup config elsewhere and do the configuration manually, not using the simulation setup dialog.

The setups subtree structure documented in the appendix.

Actions: high level sim automation

It is possible to run the high level simulation without GUI, using actions. The system works the same, using the same simulation setups, running the simulator in the background, but instead of presenting the results on the screen, saving them in self-contained files. The user then should run 3rd party scripts and software to parse this file and present the results.

Action SimActivate(setup_name, view_name) performs the same as the 'activate' button on the GUI: it sets up the configuration and view to match the named simulation setup. Setup_name is the name of one of the sim setups from the plugins/sim/setups config subtree and view_name is the name of a view that has a sim_* plugin in it, e.g. sim_ngpsice. View_name is used to select the simulation backend (simulation software).

Action SimRun(setup_name, view_name, [output_filename]) performs the same as the 'run' button on the GUI, saving the output in a contained plain text file. Output is saved in sim.txt if no file name is specified in the 3rd argument.

Old sheet files, missing views

As of sch-rnd 1.0.2, the default config contains a view called sim_ngspice which is set up as a target for the high level sim to work with ngspice-30 or newer. Sheets and project created before 1.0.2 will typically lack this view. Adding the view is trivial either in the view GUI and in the project file. The most important aspects is to include target_sim_ngspice at the end of the engine list ad include std_forge before that.

As of 1.0.2, the ordered engine list for the sim_ngspice view is:

  1. std_forge
  2. std_cschem
  3. std_devmap
  4. target_sim_ngspice

Std_forge is used to operate the test benching mechanism and target_sim_ngspice is the engine that generates the spice export and runs ngspice in the background. The other engines are just standard functionality the user would generally expect to work (std_cschem for things like the connect attribute, std_devmap for the devmap and portmap mechanisms).

Low level (raw) simulation

The low level, raw, simulation mechanism is used to enable an sch-rnd project to export to circuit simulation, e.g. spice. The high level simulation is built on top of the low level.

The low level simulation consists of:

The normal workflow is:

The extra symbols drawn for spice simulation may interfere with other workflows, e.g. if the same project is used as a source for a PCB workflow. There are multiple mechanisms to deal with this:

Test benching

The test bench mechanism is responsible for selecting parts of the circuit for simulation. Test benching operates on project level. It is implemented using the test_bench project stance and forge-if/test_bench attribute in symbols and wirenets to conditionally omit objects that are not part of the currently selected test bench.

Test benching using the GUI

On the user interface, defining named test benches are done using the File menu, project submenu, project stances submenu; in the project stances dialog select the test_bench stance and click Edit... then enter a new test bench name; it is created and saved in the project config immediately.

Grouping object into test benches can be done on the GUI by selecting the given objects, then Select menu, Change selected objects submenu, Testbench affiliation submenu. This opens the test bench quick edit dialog which presents a matrix of checkboxes for all selected symbols vs. all project stances available at the time of opening the window. Ticking a checkbox means the given object is part of the given test bench.

After filling in the matrix for a few symbols, changing the test bench stance in the project stances dialog will expose the mechanism:

Test benching in the config

The project stance test_bench is part of the config tree: /stances/test_bench is a string containing the name of the currently activated test bench; /stances/test_bench_values is an array of all known test bench names. These shall be set on the project role (so they are part of the project file). The GUI expects and edits them on the project role.

Symbol test bench affiliation is controlled by the symbol attribute forge-if/test_bench. It could be an arbitrary forge script, but the GUI expects a script in the following structure:

(stance.test_bench != "") && (stance.test_bench != "foo") && (stance.test_bench != "bar")

For the GUI to understand, the expression in the first line must: